Lorena Hakak holds a Ph.D. in Economics from São Paulo School of Economics (FGV EESP) and is Professor at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV RI) with focus on Family Economics and Applied Microeconomics.
She is the head of the Society of Family and Gender Economics (GeFam). Her research interests include family and gender economics, matching, game theory and applied microeconomics.
She examined in what extent the decision to marry and gender inequalities can be related to traits such as education, religion and culture, in addition the relationship between marriage, gender and income inequality. Her most recent work analyses the changes in marital surplus caused by the onset of HIV/AIDS.
A Model of Demand for In-Family and Institutional Caregiving Incorporating Marriage Markets (joint with Shoshana Grossbard) - forthcoming 2023 AEA Papers and Proceedings
Changes in Women’s Labor Market and Education and Their Impacts on Marriage and Inequality: Evidence from Brazil. (joint with Sergio Firpo) - Empir Econ 62, 1909–1950 (2022) Doi: 10.1007/s00181-021-02076-6 (Published 21 June 2021)
Adding Grossbard to Grossman: A Model of Demand for Health with Household Production and Marriage Markets (joint with Shoshana Grossbard)
Boys’ Club: Cultural Inheritance and Social Networks and their Effects on Labor Market outcomes (joint with Nicole Alves and Daniel Lopes)