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Solange Ledi Gonçalves holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of São Paulo (USP), and has been an associate professor at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP, Brazil) since 2018.


Teaches Statistics and Calculus for undergraduate students and the course of Inequality and Poverty for graduate students. Solange was a researcher at the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG/UNDP) and consultant to the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI/PUC-Rio, Brazil).


Her main research topics of interest are household job search models, the impact of social policies on intrahousehold bargaining, and dynamic poverty indicators. Her research concentrates on the study of the relation between the labor market decisions of parents and sons/daughters, with a focus on the development of a household job search model allowing for unemployment and inactivity of members.


In addition, she has done extensive analysis evaluating the impact of policies such as the minimum wage on intrahousehold bargaining and the labor market and education decisions.


  • Vulnerability to poverty and the assets of families: a spatial approach for the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (with André Chagas). Canal 6 Editora, p. 366-379, 2016. 

  • Poverty dynamics in Brazilian metropolitan areas: An analysis based on Hulme and Shepherd’s categorization (2002–2011) (with Ana Flavia Machado). EconomiA, 16, p. 376–394, 2015.

  • Household vulnerability to poverty: an empirical analysis of six metropolitan regions (2002 to 2011). Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), 226 p., 2015.

Working Papers

  • Household job search and labor supply of secondary earners (with Naercio Menezes Filho and Renata Narita). 

  • Minimum wage and the labor supply of poor families: a collective approach using data from the Continuous PNAD (2012-2015) (with Naercio Menezes Filho). Working Paper Series FEA nº 2015-40, Department of Economics USP, 2015.

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